The search for one's true mate, loved one, that other piece of their soul that makes them feel complete, can be frustrating, annoying, even maddening. But if one takes the time to work on themselves, love themselves and open their hearts to whatever the universe has in store to grant them, the results can be quite fulfilling. The person that one thinks is their soulmate could very well indeed be a soulmate, but soulmates are only temporary, here to teach us lessons, they are not necessarily our twin flames or a life partner. Twin flames/life partners are souls that are cut from the same universal energy as you. For instance, they can be in the Creative Arts just as you are, or in whatever field your passion is.
In one instance, there's a scriptwriter who lives a dismal marriage pretty much based on lies and who she thought was a twin flame but they turned out to be just a soulmate, but he was much worse than she had imagined. They had actually met online while playing a role-playing game, their personalities clicked and as the years progressed they grew closer and closer and he finally relocated to the US to marry her. Before they were married, he was saying 'marriage is a partnership in everything including chores' and it's the little things we do for each other that matter, not the gifts and all that. She thought it would be fine, but having grown up in a life where she received birthday cards or presents from family, receiving nothing from him it started to take its toll on her because birthdays are an event to be celebrated.
It's a true miracle, the mother could have been raped and you could have been aborted, but that's what makes a birthday so special; your mother chose to keep and grow you inside her, but I'm getting off track. After marriage after about a year or two, the "partnership" that he talked about didn't show up, he became more like his bachelor self, engrossed in his gaming, come to find out he had that gaming mental disorder that had been discovered by the World Health Organization. He claimed that gaming disorder, the mental health issue, is a US discovery, when in actuality it's the European Union Organization that discovered it.
She began to feel more and more like a piece of furniture. They would go to work doing RideShare and he would get home first and be on his computer for 8 or more hours playing his PC games. If she even got home at the same time, yes, he would walk the dogs but then go back to the games. He would make a cup of tea for him and then her when she returned to the house, but other than that, no he would not clean anything, wouldn't even clean up after himself. If he spilt something on the counter, he would just leave it, spilt something on his desk, drop food on the desk, he'd leave. Even in the bathroom, he'd leave beard shavings in the sink. She was feeling more and more like a maid and not a wife, especially when finding out he was watching porn or reading erotica and acting on the feelings that doing so brought him. Granted, back in the day when the wife would stay home and not work, yes, she would clean and cook and all that. But they both work, so she began to wonder why she was the only one doing chores in the 'marriage partnership.' She made up a chore list, dividing chores between the two and leaving time for him to play games and for her to write. And as the days passed, as he would start doing the chores she would hear more and more constant negativity coming out of his mouth.
So she started working on herself, opening herself up for whatever the universe actually held in store for her. There was a chant that some friends suggested to her that might help and indeed it did help. Six years into this marriage farce, she started doing the chant and said it seven times a day, every morning. After about two weeks of saying it, she was contacted on Tumblr, which is the social media app for creatives like her, and for some reason, she didn't just dismiss it. She actually started speaking with him and as the days progressed, they became closer friends, but not by any action of either one of them other than simply talking.
She remembered a list she had made when she was much younger of what she was looking for in a man she'd want as a husband. She sat down one day and started writing it all out, she remembered the whole list, surprisingly, and in reading it over to herself, she realized this new friend ticked all the boxes. So, not wanting to get ahead of things, they just continued on, and she Googled how to spot a twin flame. One of the signs is: not feeling excited, which she didn't really feel a rush of excitement with him, like a feeling of coming home. It's not that he promised her the moon and the stars, it's just he wasn't like the others who had tried to contact her and "become friends." When she realized that he was more than likely her twin flame/life partner, she tried to not think about it too much. She knew of the saying 'if it seems too good to be true, it usually is,' but not in this instance.
In the existence of the twin flame/life partner connection, she almost became blinded by the light of the energy between the two of them. She started having visions about him, which was strange enough as it they were three thousand miles apart. One such vision was her and her two dogs walking up a set of stairs to a Learjet. Granted, yes he was a multi-millionaire, but that's not what she was after, money is a necessary evil. So she asked him one day if he was thinking or if he had in his possession a Learjet. His response was that he was thinking of buying one next year and asked her how she knew.
It was becoming quite interesting, he would pick up and have visions about her as well, Things that she liked to do, her favourite colour, her favourite food, her favourite bands and he could pick up when her so-called husband was being his childish, ridiculous self. He would ask her about her day and she would tell him and it hurt him deeply because unbeknownst to her, he has already fallen deeply in love with her. Different things she would pick up on about him: he had a house in California, a Goldendoodle dog, and he was a world traveller.
With that kind of connection, it can make you feel like running just to get away from it because the feelings are so intense. But if you stick with it, and don't let it panic you and drive you away, it will indeed be a fulfilling and unique experience.