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Suspicious Mind

"Oh, you and your suspicious mind!" she retorted to his accusations, "I have never even thought about cheating on you, not that I wouldn't have a reason to. I don't even look at porn on the computer or my phone, unlike you, who seems to think there is nothing wrong with degrading, belittling and demeaning women like that!" His jaw hit the floor, stunned by her actual verbalization of things he had done, that he thought he'd kept hidden from her. This infuriated him even more, "How…" he started. "How do I know?" she turned and looked at him square in the eyes, "I am a woman, I have my ways of finding things out. And no it's not because I go snooping. A woman knows when her man is not interested in her because he's been looking at porn. Your face shows it all!" she explains. "Your accusation of me being unfaithful is because you know you have been doing just that, with porn. It's the old propaganda, 'Accuse others of that which you are guilty.' "

She walked off through the house, picking up clothes and arranging things that were out of place. She had just returned to their home in West Yorkshire, England, after 4 days of filming, on location in Fife, Scotland. Still stunned by her knowledge and ability to speak pure truth, he followed her like a lost puppy, "But, it's because I love you that I look at that, to keep the images in my head to help...performance." She stopped, turned slowly and looked at him, "So my body, my 36-22-36 isn't good enough to keep you aroused, is that what you're telling me?" She threw the clothes she had picked up around the house into the washer, then headed for the bedroom and office.

In the office, she went to empty the trash bin, only to find it full of used tissue, which she turned and dumped right on top of his head, then dropped the bin at his feet. "Really?!" she inquired, then softened her tone just slightly, "Look, I understand you have needs, but you're not the only one in this marriage, I have needs too. But I don't go and buy any….toys….to satisfy that need, I prefer to wait for you!" She stormed out of the office, leaving him to pick up the tissue and put it back in the trash bin.

Once in the bedroom, then all hell broke loose, she went to take the sheets off the bed and found some things she had really not expected. An earring, shaped like a small twisted hoop, which he tried to grab before she saw it, but missed as she flipped the duvet off the bed onto the floor and it went flying, hitting the wall in the corner and falling to the floor. Then she noticed an aroma, a sweet smell, of some kind of perfume, but it wasn't anything she'd worn. He could tell her anger was rising, even if she didn't speak, as there was this one vein on her shoulder that always bulged when she was angry, and this one was holding nothing back. "Seriously, " she said, "In our marital bed? You dare? " She takes a deep breath, gathers the sheets and duvet and heads for the laundry room, not saying another word.

In their seven years of marriage, she had tolerated a lot of things. He said things to her before marriage that turned out to be lies after they wed. He never acted like a gamer beforehand, but then after they were married, he was on the computer all the time. No matter what she did, he was not happy, she had been planning and saving enough money to afford to take them on a cruise, he had no clue about the money in her savings, as it came from her side job of photography, when she wasn't on a film set somewhere, following her dream. This was like a slap in the face, she had always treated her husband like a king, only to be treated like a slave or dirt or...something far worse. It was because of her that they could afford a nice little two bedroom cottage in the countryside. She put the bedsheets in the washer, poured in some laundry detergent and started the washer. Heading to the linen closet, she got out two sets of bottom sheets and two sets of blankets. Making her way back to the main bedroom, she dropped off one set of sheets and a blanket into the office.

As she walked back into the bedroom, she saw him still standing there, but he was holding a small jewelry box and an 'I'm sorry' look on his face. She completely ignored him, setting about putting the fresh sheets and blanket on the bed. When she was done she turned to him, he could have sworn her eyes were glowing red, she was that angered. She spoke with such calmness, coolness, and collectedness, it actually scared him. "You think a piece of jewelry is going to make up for all you have done to me over the years? Going to smooth over all the lies you told me before we were married? Going to erase the fact that you took me to visit your past online girlfriend which you had cybersex with? You really have no clue what you have done, do you?" She took the box from him, didn't even bother to open it, walked to the window and threw it as far and as hard as she could out into the woods that surrounded their home. Then she turned and looked straight at him, "You will be sleeping in the one place you hold most dear, your office, with your computer, and your porn and your cybersex. We are done, I have given you more than enough chances to redeem yourself, and you always choose to repeat history. Well, guess what, we are now history and we will not be repeating it. I'm phoning my lawyer in the morning and you will be out before you can say 'Suspicious minds'. You dare to accuse me of cheating on you? What you have done is nothing less than adultery and alienation of affection! Doubtful you will change, as you haven't in the years we've been married, except to change from what you showed me before marriage into showing your true colours after we were married. It's a good thing we signed a prenuptial agreement. You will get a small amount...but I am KEEPING and probably selling this house and moving out! I refuse to stay in a place with so many bad memories. Good luck with your life and your always suspicious mind! Now, get out of my way, I need to unpack and you need to pack your belongings. "



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